Here’s where I am with politics right now: The fact that ANYONE is voting for Trump or McConnell sickens me. The fact that it’s going to be so many people that they could both win again solidifies my belief that our species is doomed, and rightfully so.
But then, compounding upon that, 80% of the people who aren’t voting for them are still complete idiots who believe themselves to be intellectually and morally superior, but are actually unable (or perhaps just unwilling, which may, in fact, be worse) to change their opinions when presented with facts that contradict their beliefs, and are only on the right side of this thing because they were raised to be, or were converted by someone. They’re just two conservative parents or a seductively convincing friend away from voting Trump. Lack of critical thinking skills is the new illiteracy, and it is rampant.
So, I’m anti-Trump, true. But that doesn’t mean I’m even remotely similar to most other people who hate him. I don’t even hate him for all the same reasons. When it comes to a lot of the Trump outrage, my reaction to it is, “So fucking what?” I don’t hate him because he’s crass. I don’t hate him because he’s rude. I don’t hate him because he has a foul mouth and is unconventional. Those are all traits I can respect in other people.
I do hate him because he’s a rapist, and, quite possibly, quite likely, a rapist of underage girls courtesy of Jeffery Epstein. But before I knew that, I would have said:
I do hate him because he’s willfully ignorant. I don’t know if he’s technically stupid. I don’t know what his processing power is. I assume it’s very not good, very, very #SAD. But it doesn’t even matter, because he’s definitely ignorant; he doesn’t have any knowledge. I hope he’s stupid, because smart people who are bereft of real knowledge are far more dangerous than a well-informed moron. Imagine, if you will, an AI program drawing on a database of pure fiction and, hey, it’s the President. But I highly doubt that’s the case because he sounds like a fucking moron with access to the same well of fictions and fantasy.
I do hate him because he lies constantly. I hate him because he’s an idiot with a severe lack of curiosity and no desire to know the truth of anything. I hate him because he doesn’t care whether he’s lying or not because he doesn’t care what the truth is. I hate him because he is an old man with the emotional and mental maturity of a twelve-year-old boy. But my hatred of him goes back before I knew that, too.
I hate him because I’ve always hated him. I hated him before I was a twelve-year-old boy. I thought his hair was stupid, and I hated him because I knew he had to look in the mirror before leaving his house, yet he wore his hair like that, anyway. And even after everyone publicly made fun of how stupid his hair looked, he continued to wear it that way and continued to allow it to become more and more ridiculous.
I hate him because I’ve been seeing that stupid hair and that stupid face on my television for my entire fucking life, and I’ve hated him the entire fucking time.
But the truth of the matter is, a whole lot of people who hate Trump annoy me just as much as he does. They’re just his polar opposites. They’re just as misinformed, just as stubborn, just as obtuse, just as unwilling to pull their heads out of their asses and look at the world from a different perspective. They are the black to his white, or the white to his black, or however you want to say it. They are all extremists on opposite sides of the spectrum, and the rest of us are here, lost in the grays shaking our heads because you’re both fucking crazy.