202 Squats Week Two Update

Wednesday, September 4th, Day Eight: I did one set of 77 in the morning before I left for work. I did a set of 75 on first break, and a set of 50 at lunch. I was done by 1:30pm.

Thursday, September 5th, Day Nine:  I didn’t do any before I left for work. I couldn’t find the time. It was a hectic morning. I snuck in a set of 52 and a set of 50 before first break using the private phone rooms. A set of 50 on break, and another on lunch, I was again done by 1:30.

Friday, September 6th, Day Ten: See Day Eight. Exact repeat.

Saturday, September 7th, Day Eleven: Oops. This was a super-busy day. I went to a horror convention, watched some good independent horror, completely forgot to do any squats. Fail.

Sunday, September 8th, Day Twelve: After an accidental day of rest I was able to complete today’s reps in a set of 102 followed by a set of 100.

Monday, September 9th, Day Thirteen:  I didn’t do any reps before work. I did a set of 52 before first break, a set of 50 on break, at lunch, and last break.

Tuesday, September 10th, Day Fourteen: I did a set of 102 before I left the house. Well, it was kind of a staggered set. I had to pause around rep 15 or so because I was doing squats on my front porch and some guy was walking down the alley looking at me like I was some kind of freak. So I waited for him to pass. Then, I had to pause again around 27 or so as a prostitute walked the other direction down the alley yelling at someone through her cellphone. But I did 102 squats on my porch before I left for work.  I did 50 at lunch and 50 at last break.

Wednesday, September 11th, Day Fifteen: Being able to do sets of 100 at a time and not being sore the next day has led me to push a little harder. I’m sticking to the 202 squats a day, but today I shortened my reps per set to 25 (27 for the first), and have extended the squat all the way down. Previous squats have been primarily to the seated chair position, then back up. All of today’s reps were full, butt-to-heel squats. I did my first set at 11:30am and my final set at 8:30pm. I feel like there’s something I’m forgetting … Anywho, I also did side leg lifts — 102 on each side with straightened legs, followed immediately by 27 on each side with bended knees —and weighted hip thrusts. The backpack I bought to hold my weights had a black and white American Flag patch attached with Velcro.  I acquired a new patch at Horror Hound Weekend. It’s a skeleton hand making the Metal Horns, or fucking Devil Symbol, whatever you want it to be. I mean, for most people who make the symbol, me included, it means: “YEAH! ROCK N’ FUCKIN’ ROLL!!!!” with no less than four exclamation points. But, hey, if you want to bring the devil into it, that’s cool, I guess. The Devil is pretty dope, for a totally fictional and unrealistic Mega-Villain.

Anyway, I had some Velcro tape left over from a door screen and I stuck it on that new patch I got and I put it on my weighted pack in place of the one it came with.